my spring anime review

June 10, 2010

Well this spring i’m only watch four animes. Angel Beats!, kaichou wa maid sama!, K-On!!, and Working! (wow all of them have an (!) ). i haven’t watched xxxHOLIC Rou yet (also Conan‘s last movie and Nodame Cantabile finale) and now currently watching those 4 animes while wait for Black Rock Shooter out. It’s because the other animes that out this spring have too many fanservices in it. fanservice is okay but fanserviceS is a BIG no for me.

i don’t like ecchi, yaoi,yuri,or hentai. so don’t expect those things from my blog.

Hey! i just realize that Kamiya Hiroshi has so many roles in this spring anime! and for female seiyuu Hanazawa Kana looks like do many roles too (and mostly Heroines).
Uh.. 3 more episodes and Angel Beats! is over. BUT i HOPE they’ll make the second season or maybe an OVA T_T. cause i think 13 episodes is very short. And i think Jun Maeda-sama will have something that will surprise us in the end of the story(believe me. if not, please (re)watch all of his projects like Clannad)

enough for spring. next review maybe on summer 🙂